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RTCU X32/NX32 Firmware


RTCU M2M Platform SDK V2.00
Released:  February 14, 2021.


RTCU M2M Platform SDK V2.00.00 includes the following improvements:


  •  C++ support.
  •  Support for the following Linux libraries:
     D-Bus, Paho MQTT client library, Mosquitto MQTT client library, json-c JSON library, Jansson JSON library, Libcurl,  OpenSSL, LibGcrypt,
     libuuid, libiconv, zlib, libbzip2, PCRE - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions, Mini-XML, and SQLite.
  •  Licensing schema for the implementation and management of module/program licensing.
  •  Support for VPL callback allowing an SDK module to call a VPL function directly.
  •  Enhanced network API.
  •  Various improvements, optimizations, and documentation enhancements.

The detailed RTCU M2M Platform SDK - Reference Manual can be found here.

NOTE: System-Firmware V1.08.00 or later is required.



RTCU M2M Platform SDK V1.20
Released:  June 28, 2020.


RTCU M2M Platform SDK V1.20.00 includes the following improvements:


  •  Support for OpenSSL.
  •  New and advanced WebServer example program using Javascript.
  •  New vplDebugF function, allowing formatted debug messages to be sent to the debug output window.
  •  Enhanced support for multithreading, allowing all vplXXX functions to be called.
  •  vplSetIOSignal now allows control of CAN power signals
  •  The latest Wireless M-bus V2.18 project is included.

The detailed RTCU M2M Platform SDK - Reference Manual can be found here.

NOTE: Runtime-Firmware V1.62.00 or later is required.




RTCU M2M Platform SDK V1.11
Released:  July 1, 2018.


RTCU M2M Platform SDK V1.11.00 includes the following improvements:


  •  RTCU M2M Platform module extension example projects:
    •  Full-featured extension module with support for Radiocrafts RC1180-MBUS Wireless M-bus modules.
    •  Example project named 'ext_lib' that implements a small XML library demonstrating how to use external, static libraries.
    •  Enhanced audio example.
  •  Enhanced support for audio-streaming.
  •  New vplSetIOSignal() function to control RF module and serial ports.
  •  New vplFsMapFile() function for access to system files and devices.


NOTE: Runtime-Firmware V1.11.00 or later is required.