Build file format

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The build file is a human readable text file that contains information about the project that is being built.

The build file is used to inform Pre-Build and Post-Build events which files are being built and where to find them.


The build file can also easily be expanded with information from the Pre-Build event to the Post-Build event.


The build file has the following parameters:



prj=<name of the project>

path=<path to the project>



file=<path to VPL file 1>


file=<path to VPL file n>

file=<path to INC file 1>


file=<path to INC file n>



For example, the build file for the BuildEvent example project looks like this:




path=C:\Documents and Settings\<USER>\My Documents\RTCU Projects\Examples\BuildEvent example\





Where <USER> is the user name of the current user.