canFilterCreate (Function) |
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This function is used to create receive filters, which are required to be able to receive any messages from the network. A filter can either match a single message ID or a range of message IDs. The filter ID returned when creating the filter must also be used to destroy the filter with canFilterDestroy when it is no longer needed or if it needs to be changed. The maximum number of filters is 30 for most devices, but the RTCU NX-200 and the RTCU NX-400 have support for up to 64 filters per CAN port for a maximum of 127 filters.
Each receive filter is defined by a start-ID and a length. If the length is 1, it will only match the start-ID, if the length is e.g. 3, it will match start-ID, start-ID+1, and start-ID + 2. Internally, the start-ID and the length are used to create a bit-mask that will match all the needed IDs. This mask is then used to create a hardware filter that handles the high-performance filtering. Depending on the values chosen for start-ID and length, the hardware filter might cover additional message IDs so a second filtering is done using the start-ID and the length.
Too many unwanted messagesA filter might cover too many unwanted IDs, which causes additional load on the device which can cause reduced performance for the wanted message. The number of IDs covered by a filter is determined by the position of the highest-order bit that is different between the first and last ID in a filter. If only the LSB is different it covers 2 IDs, if the next bit is also different, it covers 4 IDs, and so on.
An example of this is a start-ID of 16#07FE and a length of 3. Looking at the binary values shows the problem:
The mask will match all IDs in the range from 16#0000 to 16#0FFF, a length of 4096 instead of the needed 3.
A better solution is to split the range into multiple filters, in this case two filters as shown below:
Filter 1: Start-ID 16#07FE, length 2:
Filter 2: Start-ID 16#0800, length 1:
Overlapping filtersIf a hardware filter overlaps with other hardware filters, it might prevent the other filters from receiving the messages. Different devices handle overlapping filters differently, so for a portable solution, overlapping filters should be avoided.
As an example, when using the following two filters, the messages for the second filter might be lost, because the mask for the first filter overlaps with the second filter while the wanted ranges do not:
Filter 1: Start-ID 16#0050, length 20:
Filter 2: Start-ID 16#0040, length 3:
A solution is to break the large filter up into two smaller filters that are better aligned:
Filter 1: Start-ID 16#0050, length 16:
Filter 2: Start-ID 16#0060, length 4:
Filter 3: Start-ID 16#0040, length 3:
Input: port : SINT (1/2) (default 1) The port of the CAN bus.
xtd : BOOL Filter for standard or extended identifiers. Set to TRUE for extended identifiers.
startID : DINT (16#0...16#1FFF_FFFF) The first identifier that is accepted.
length : DINT (16#1...16#2000_0000) The length of the range of identifiers that are accepted. For a single identifier, the length should only be set to 1.
Returns: SINT
Declaration: FUNCTION canFilterCreate : SINT;
Example: INCLUDE |