displayLine (Function)

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X32 / NX32 / NX32L

Device support:

DX4 pro, NX-400, LX4

Firmware version:

1.30 / 1.00.00

This function is used to draw a line in the display.



x1 : INT (1..136 for DX4, 1..190 for NX-400)

x position (column) of the start point, 1 is the leftmost


y1 : INT (1..32 for DX4, 1..99 for NX-400)

y position (row) of the start point, 1 is the topmost


x2 : INT (1..136 for DX4, 1..190 for NX-400)

x position (column) of the end point, 1 is the leftmost


y2 : INT (1..32 for DX4, 1..99 for NX-400)

y position (row) of the end point, 1 is the topmost


color : INT (Default 1)

0 (zero)

- Background (OFF).


- Black (ON).






FUNCTION displayLine;
  x1   : INT;
  y1   : INT;
  x2   : INT;
  y2   : INT;
  color : INT := 1;




INCLUDE rtcu.inc
PROGRAM example;
  sym1 : ARRAY[1..22] OF SINT := 16#1F, 16#00, 16#20, 16#80, 16#40, 16#40, 16#80, 16#20, 16#80, 16#20, 16#80, 16#20, 16#80, 16#20, 16#80, 16#20, 16#40, 16#40, 16#20, 16#80, 16#1F, 16#00;
  sym2 : ARRAY[1..22] OF SINT := 16#1F, 16#00, 16#24, 16#80, 16#44, 16#40, 16#84, 16#20, 16#84, 16#20, 16#FF, 16#E0, 16#84, 16#20, 16#84, 16#20, 16#44, 16#40, 16#24, 16#80, 16#1F, 16#00;
  sym3 : ARRAY[1..22] OF SINT := 16#1F, 16#00, 16#20, 16#80, 16#60, 16#C0, 16#91, 16#20, 16#8A, 16#20, 16#84, 16#20, 16#8A, 16#20, 16#91, 16#20, 16#60, 16#C0, 16#20, 16#80, 16#1F, 16#00;
  // Turn on the display
  displayPower(power := ON);
  // Define smile
  displayDefineChar(index := 0, map := "0000180C6666060666660C1800000000");
  // Draw line 1 symbol
  displayCircle(x := 8, y := 8, rad := 5);
  displayLine(x1 := 8, y1 := 3, x2 := 8,  y2 := 13);
  displayLine(x1 := 3, y1 := 8, x2 := 13, y2 := 8);
  // Draw line 2 symbol
  displayImage(x := 3,  y := 19, width := 11, height := 11, data := ADDR(sym3));
  // Show text
  displayXY(x := 3, y := 1);
  displayString(message := "Hello World $80");
  displayXY(x := 3, y := 2);
  displayString(message := "Cookie: ");
  displayXY(x := 11, y := 2);
  displayNumber(number := 4711);
  // Draw bounding
  displayBox(x1 := 1, y1 := 1, x2 := 125, y2 := 31);