Error Messages

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The most likely error messages from the VPL compiler:


"keyword/name/symbol" is expected!


This is a general syntax error.


Identifier "name" is declared more than once!


The identifier has been declared more than once within the same scope.


This is an error:


  temp : INT;
  temp : INT;
PROGRAM testprog;


This is not an error:


  temp : INT;
  temp : INT;
  // This "temp" is the one we declared in this function block
  IF temp THEN
PROGRAM testprog;
  // this "temp" is the globally defined, before the function block was declared.
  IF temp = 17 THEN


Unknown identifier: "name"


The identifier has not been declared.


"name" is *not* accessible!


This error can occur if you try to assign a value in your program to a variable that has been defined in the VAR_INPUT section.


Global variables are already declared!


It is only allowed to have one section of VAR_INPUT, VAR_OUTPUT, and VAR in the global scope.


ARRAY has illegal sub-range!


The array has not been specified properly. Remember that the lower bound must be smaller than the upper bound.


Maximum number of elements in the array has been exceeded!


You have tried to create an array with too many elements - thereby exhausting the memory available. Decrease the number of elements.


Illegal type specified. This is *not* a function block.


When you declare variables, only the simple data types and function blocks can be used as the type.  




It is only allowed to specify a simple data type as the type.


The variable is not compatible with a string assignment!


The variable is not declared as a string.


Illegal initializer constant!


Please examine the section Constants to see the proper way of declaring numerical constants.


Edge-detection attribute is *not* allowed!


The R_EDGE or F_EDGE are not allowed at this place.


"name" is *not* a variable!


The specified name is not declared as a variable.


IF / CASE statement expected


An IF or CASE statement is expected.


Iteration-statement expected.


A FOR/REPEAT/WHILE statement is expected.


Only a simple variable can be used as a control variable.


It is only allowed to specify a simple data type as the control value in a FOR statement.


Only a local variable can be used as a control variable.


It is only allowed to specify a local variable as the control value in a FOR statement. It is not allowed to use a global variable.


"EXIT" is only allowed in a iteration statement!


Exit is only allowed in a FOR/REPEAT/WHILE statement.


"BEGIN/END" is *only* allowed in the main program.


Use only BEGIN and END in the main program.


Incompatible types encountered!


Two variables of different types can only be assigned to each other when the destination is "larger" that the source. By larger is meant that it can hold larger numbers. Additionally, integer and floating-point numbers can not be mixed.


"name" is *not* a function!


The specified name has not been declared as a function.


String conversion not allowed!


It is not allowed to typecast a string to any other type.


Conversion to string is not allowed!


It is not allowed to typecast from any other type to a string type.


Constant, identifier, function call, or expression expected.


This is a general syntax error. This will typically be in assignments or statements where an expression is expected - such as in IF statements etc.


Arrays can *not* be assigned in a function call!


It is not legal to assign values to an array in a function call. Arrays are not supported as parameters to function calls.


Error opening file: "filename".


There was a general error with opening the file.


Error opening file: "filename" (check VINCLUDE.)


The file that is to be included by using the INCLUDE statement has not been found in the current project directory, and it is also not found in the path specified in the VINCLUDE environment variable. The VINCLUDE environment variable must point to the include directory that was created as a sub-directory with respect to the directory where the RTCU IDE program was installed. Please make sure that the file exists in the current project directory, and that the VINCLUDE environment variable has not been corrupted. If the environment variable is corrupted, please reinstall the RTCU IDE program.


Error opening file: "filename" (file locked ?)


The file name is currently open in another program and is not currently accessible. Please close the file in the other program.


Base specified is illegal (must be: 2,8 or 16).


Please examine the section Constants to see the proper way of declaring numerical constants.


Constant is illegal!


Please examine the section Constants to see the proper way of declaring numerical constants.


Unterminated string encountered.


A string has not been terminated with the " symbol. Please look at the string section for proper string usage.


Size of local variables exceeds the target system's run-time stack size!


The number of local variables in a function exceeds the maximum space available.

The stack size is 256 bytes for X32 and 512 bytes for the NX32 architecture.