gnssEnableType (Function) |
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This function is used to enable and disable the different positioning systems. By default all the relevant positioning systems are enabled and used to determine the position returned by gnssFix and gpsFix.
Note: Not all GNSS receivers supports all the possible positioning systems and some GNSS receivers do not support all the combinations of positioning systems, see the technical manual for further details.
gnssGetEnabledSystems can be used to check which systems are currently enabled.
If a receiver does not support all the possible combinations, it may be necessary to use gnssEnableType to enable or disable multiple systems before the currently used systems change.
Input: type: SINT (0..2, Default 0)
enable : BOOL (Default: ON) Enables/disables the positioning system.
Returns: INT
Declaration: FUNCTION gnssEnableType : INT;
Example: INCLUDE |