navAutoArrival (Function) |
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This function will change the auto-arrival criteria. The auto-arrival feature is used to automatically detect that the user has arrived at a destination and then to prompt the user if they would like to mark the destination as done and start navigating to the next destination on the route. Note that if the navigation device cannot find a street at the destination, it is not activated and the navigation device activates the next destination on the route. (Until a destination is OK or there are no more destinations on the route).
Input: time : DINT (default: 30) The number of seconds the navigation device should be stopped close to the destination before the auto-arrival feature is activated.
distance : DINT (default: 100) How close to the destination, in meters, the navigation device has to be before the auto-arrival feature is activated.
Returns: INT
Declaration: FUNCTION navAutoArrival : INT;
Example: INCLUDE |