
The RS232 connector found on the RTCU devices is used for downloading new programs, configuration, etc. from a standard PC by using one of the RTCU tools available from www.logicio.com. Below will be found the connections needed to make this cable.


The cable uses a SUB-D9 female in one end of the cable for connection to the PC, and a 6 pin TYCO Connector house in the other end.


The connections to be made are:




Note: if the serial port functions are used, and the connection to the RTCU device should be via the RS232 port, a normal programming cable as specified above cannot be used. In order to enable the serial port functions, the Pin 5 on the SUB-D9 and Pin 2 on the TYCO Connector house (RS232 Detect) must not be connected (this signal is connected to Gnd on a normal programming cable).