sockListen (Function) |
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Initiates a TCP/IP socket listen operation on the specified port number. The establishing of the connection must be determined by using the sockConnection() function block. It is possible to establish a maximum of 8 simultaneous socket connections.
It must be observed that typically the GSM-network utilizes a firewall that blocks inbound connections to the RTCU.
Input: ip : DINT Remote IP address accepted. 0 if all is allowed.
port : DINT Port number listening on.
iface : SINT (default 0) The network interface to listen on. 0 = all networks (default), 1 = Mobile network, 2 = LAN network, etc. (See Network)
Returns: SINT ID of the connection. If return value is 0, the connection could not be initiated (possibly because there are too many sockListen() without corresponding sockDisconnect()).
Declaration: FUNCTION sockListen : SINT;