navWaypointSet (Function) |
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This function will set a waypoint in the navigation device.
The position of the waypoint must be given in the semicircle format (see navStopSet for more info).
Input: ID : INT Unique ID to identify the waypoint.
symbol : INT The symbol that is displayed on the map for the waypoint..
latitude : DINT The latitude of the position.
longitude : DINT The longitude of the position.
categories : INT A bit field that indicates which categories the waypoint belongs to. For example, if the waypoint should be in categories with IDs 0 and 5, the categories should have the lowest bit and the 6th lowest bit set to 1 for a value of 33 decimal (00000000 00100001 in binary).
name : STRING The name of the waypoint. Max. 30 characters.
comment : STRING Any other notes for the waypoint. Max. 50 characters.
Returns: INT
Declaration: FUNCTION navWaypointSet : INT;
Example: INCLUDE |