VCFG.EXE - Configurator

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The configurator generates the actual target execution image, by linking a number of .VPX files according to the specification of a .CFG file.

The configuration file .CFG, is a text file automatically generated by the RTCU IDE, but can also be edited or created manually. Basically, the configuration file describes the jobs defined and the physical I/O mapping, as defined in the Job configuration dialog.

The output of the configurator is a .VSX file.

If I/O extensions are used in the project, VCFGIO.EXE must be used to add information about the extensions to the .VSX file..


For X32 projects, the .VSX file is the image file that is to be transferred to the RTCU device or executed by the RTCU Emulator.

For NX32 and NX32L projects, the .VSX file must be added to a container using RPCTOOL.EXE.


The following configurator options are supported:



Build for the NX32 architecture.


Build for the NX32L architecture.


Specifies use of Enhanced Memory from 0=0x10000 to 4=0x40000. Only used for NX32 builds.



Sets the application name / version.

Version is scaled by 100 so that version 3.20 becomes 320.



Build for LARGE EIS architecture (legacy).



Build with large string support enabled.


By default the configurator targets the X32 architecture.