For the most detailed and comprehensive information on the RTCU
M2M platform,
please make sure to read the
M2M Platform data sheet
Please take your time to
read through this section on the RTCU M2M
Platform and you will realize that we are
offering a product based on a concept that is second to none on
the market today!
The RTCU M2M platform is a general platform that allows easy
implementation of a broad range of a telemetry/telematics M2M
applications spanning areas such as:
- Vehicle
tracking and fleet management
- Mobile
datalogging and control application
- Alarm /
Security systems
- Asset
- Remote Meter
- Remote Control
- SCADA systems
- Machine
surveillance and control
- Industrial
control and monitoring
- and much more...
State-of-the-Art technologies currently offered in our
products includes:
- GSM /
- Wi-Fi
- Bluetooth
- ZigBee
- Navigation and Messaging
- Garmin integration.
- RS232 / RS485
- 1-Wire bus
- CAN bus
- Camera interface.
- more...
And we are
constantly expanding our products with new features and new
concept is composed of the following main components:
- More than
12 different hardware products. All fully programmable and
software compatible
- Powerful
RTCU IDE - Integrated Development Environment-, with full featured
RTCU Emulator.
- More than
1400 pages of PDF / on-line documentation and code wizard etc.
for rapid development
Gateway communication infrastructure software
Deployment Server for easy upgrade/maintenance of a small to
large installations
- Many
example programs and deployment packages which can be used as a
starting point for new developments
- State of
the art support! 99% of all support enquiries we get are
answered within maximum a few hours

RTCU Concept
The RTCU concept rests on a well engineered
architecture that has been refined by our customers feedback
over the last 16 years, and therefore we can today enjoy a
state-of-the-art platform, that be easily deployed and
maintained by our customers with the lowest possible affords and
The major attributes of the RTCU concept are:
- General
platform for M2M applications
- Fully
programmable in VPL (IEC1131-3 ST based)
VPL is an easy to learn text based high-level
programming language
- Highly
flexible and adaptable
- Hardware
Write once, run anywhere
- Future
Program today, run tomorrow
Hardware independency is demonstrated by the fact that a
program written once can execute on any RTCU
device - including the RTCU Emulator - without
any changes or additional testing.
Offering future proof product is of high priority for us
to protect our customers investment in development / debugging
A good example is a program written for our first product in the
year 2000 (early days of GSM Telemetry!) using simple SMS
messages today can run unmodified on our
latest product line communicating over LTE / GPRS, LAN or Wi-Fi!
Many things changes in the meantime, including: Different
communication method (SMS versus LTE), New CPU architecture
introduced (16 versus 32 bit) and the customer may have changed
cellular operator or geographical location. Everything is handled
within the RTCU concept, so the legacy software developed for
8..10 years ago still works without any problems!
When comparing products the actual Cost of ownership
must be carefully examined and considered.

Above the advanced architecture used by the
RTCU concept is pictured. As it can be seen, it is a well
designed layered structure with a boot-loader / monitor just
above the actual hardware. The Boot loader / monitor is a simple
components that allows communication with the unit over
a physical cable or CSD - even if the main-firmware has been lost.
The green part with the MPK Real-time Operating System in the
bottom is the actual firmware. On-top of the firmware the TCP/IP
stack, the VPL Virtual Machine and the various hardware drivers
resides. On top of the firmware (the green part) the customer
application is running.
The firmware as well as the application can be
upgraded using a cable connection or over the
air with a Gateway TCP/IP connection.
The RTCU IDE Development tool
is a powerful Integrated Development Environment with the
following main features:
Based on the
RTCU M2M Platform.
- A
true Integrated Development Environment, with all tasks done
within the environment
- Project based
- Folding Editor support
- Context Sensitive Help
- Flyover Help
- Code Wizard
- 1000+ standard functions and
still growing...
- Many code examples
- Local / remote connection to a
unit for diagnostic or programming
- Download
The RTCU Emulator

Emulator is an virtual execution environment
that precisely emulates all current RTCU
The RTCU Emulator canbe used as a stand-alone
tool or it can be integrated swiftly into the
RTCU IDE in order to make coding and test
tightly connected.
Emulator is based on the same source code as
the actual RTCU device firmware. Almost all
features and the behavior of each and every
physical device are precisely emulated. This
ensures a precise emulation with only a few
on the
RTCU M2M Platform
- Device
specific emulation.
- Protected
Execution Environment.
- Multiple
devices with separate instance state.
file-system using VHD files.
Programming cable connection.
access over the RTCU Gateway.
Deployment Server support.
RTCU IDE integration.
Network Features
Logic IO was one of the first with GPRS
support in the world and has a large working
experience from 100+ cellular networks.
As it can be seen from the architecture earlier, we are using
our own highly optimized and tuned TCP/IP stack, in contrast
with the simple use of the GSM modules under-featured TCP/IP
The network features offered by the RTCU concept includes:
- All
network and/or GSM problems are handled 100% transparently by the
Applications only handle application domain problems!
(Virtual SMS) technology offers seamless upgrade from SMS and
easy fallback
Gateway support
- Standard
TCP/IP sockets
- Standard
UDP/IP sockets
- RTCU Gateway,
TCP and UDP and co-exist and operate simultaneously
The RTCU Gateway includes the following
- Works
in any network:
Independent of global/local- dynamic/static
IP-addresses, firewall configuration etc.
- Always
connected technology
2-way communication is always available
- Handles
all network related issues.
- Automatically "probes" the health of the connection
- Automatic
recovery of all communication problems
- A
common backbone for communication
The RTCU IDE and the RTCU Deployment Server can
connect using the GPRS Gateway
- Supports
the VSMS abstraction
- Uses
open RACP2 protocol
- Portable client source code available
- Numerous
easy to use deployment packages available
- Runs
under Windows as a Service
- Transparent
Encrypted communication
Uses the Rijndael Block Cipher (AES)
- Transparent
Compressed communication
Lowers the cost of communication without software changes!
Deployment Server
The RTCU Deployment Server offers
important functionality for deployment and maintenance of even
the largest installations of RTCU units.
Seamless upgrade of application as well firmware take place
automatically without user intervention or unit operating
interruptions minimizing the cost and impact, when new software
releases are to be deployed.
The main features of the RTCU Deployment Server includes:
- Free
add-on to the RTCU Gateway.
- Runs as a
Service under Windows
- Upgrades
firmware and application automatically according to a user
defined configuration
- Upgrade
takes places during full operation of the unit
Minimizes down-time of the unit
- Failed
or interrupted upgrade attempts are automatically resumed
Reduces cost of upgradring
- Factory
delivered unit can be deployed using a simple configuration SMS
- Comprehensive
logging and status features
Next.. .
This was a short introduction to the
RTCU Concept, its architecture and the various main components
which defines this powerful, versatile and future proof
platform. Please take a closer and more detailed look at the
various pages on our web-site including the list of
products available.
Also do not hesitate to contact us for any questions which may
arise during the jorney.. |