Project: Information

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This command shows information for the active project.


When the "Project Information" command is invoked, the following dialog will be shown for projects built for the NX32 and NX32L compilation modes:





When a project built for the X32 compilation mode is used, the following dialog is shown:





Project location

The absolute path to the project file.


This section contains the application profile of the compiled application. If no application profile is available in the compiled application the section will be disabled.

The name of the application.


The version of the application.



Compilation mode
This section contains information about the compilation mode used for the project.


The execution architecture that the project is built for.
X32, NX32 and NX32L are available. Large is for legacy/backward compatibility.


The project uses features from EIS3.
Only firmware V5.00 and V1.30 supports EIS3.


The debug feature is enabled in the project.


Floating point

The project uses floating point instructions.


Large String Support

The Large String Support feature is enabled in the project.


Intellisync Project Drive
This section contains information about the usage of the Intellisync Project Drive.

This section is only available for the NX32 and NX32L execution architectures.


Space used
The space used for application, voice messages and user files.

Also expressed in percentage of the total capacity.

Number of files
The number of files on the project drive.

Also expressed in percentage of the maximum allowed number.



Memory configuration
This section contains the available memory for the application and voice messages.

This section is not available for the NX32 and NX32L execution architectures.

The available memory for the target image.

The available memory for voice messages.

Also expressed in number of seconds.



Project overview
This section contains an overview of the files in the project.


Program files
The number of "Program" files (VPL) in the project.

Include files
The number of "Include" files (INC) in the project.



The number of jobs in the project.


Voice messages

The number of voice files in the project.


Platform extensions

The number of platform extensions in the project.

This information is only available for the NX32L compilation mode.



Memory usage
This section contains information about the amount of memory used by the compiled application.


The size of the compiled application.

The size of the data in the compiled application.

Also expressed in percentage of the total capacity.


The size of the uninitialized data section in the compiled application. Uninitialized data is variables that are not explicitly set to a value by the application.

Also expressed in percentage of the total capacity.

The data in this section does not increase the size of the target image.

This information is only available for the NX32L compilation mode.


Static strings
The size of the static strings in the compiled application.


Target image

The total size of the compiled application.

Also expressed in percentage of the total capacity.



The total size of the included voice messages.

Also expressed in percentage of the total capacity.

This information is not available for the NX32 and NX32L compilation modes.